


Lately, an NGO from the Federal Republic of Germany posing as a court has made its presence known through threatening emails. Thus, several Romanian bloggers as well as news websites were notified that they owed hundreds or thousands of euros for copyrights on some photos, even if they were the subject of some news. If you received mail from COPYTRACK, and your news website is a domain hosted in Romania, you don’t owe anything. COPYTRACK are a team of swindlers, an organized criminal group (according to Romanian law), because they usurp the capacity of a court, investigative body or mediator.
Do not sign or confirm any act of theirs, they are scammers, nothing more. Law no. 8/1996, more precisely article 9, excludes from copyright protection the materials that are the subject of news.
Because of this, a photographic material that is already in circulation by the news media (it has already been presented by a website as news) no longer has copyright protection. Then, the website hosted in Romania enjoys the protection of Romanian law in all aspects. Invoking the German Federal Law on you is nothing more than an attempt to mislead. It is only the competence of the Romanian courts for the facts that happened on its territory. Beware of scammers like COPYTRACK who continue to make claims even when faced with the reality of the law. If, however, you are sued by these fraudsters, and the German courts win, such sentence will be invalidated by the Romanian court based on a CONTESTATION TO EXECUTION procedure, the Romanian court canceling the execution of a decision contrary to domestic law and will order including non-recognition of such a decision. But it is hard to believe that any German federal court will ever extend the application of German law for a territory other than German to other citizens. If you notice that COPYTRACK insists or sends you such notices of claims, the solution is simple: criminal complaint. Being Romanian citizens, threatened and blackmailed by an NGO that usurps the capacity of a court or administrative investigation body, Romanian prosecutors are competent to investigate the acts of foreign citizens or foreign organizations against Romanian citizens. Either COPYTRACK’s actions refer precisely to material acts of non-compliance with art. 9 of Law no. 8/1996, citing fictitious claims, acts severely punished with imprisonment. We conclude, looking through the spectrum of the law in Romania, COPYTRACK GMBH are fraudsters, an organized criminal group based on extortion, forgery and economic crimes.
The leader of this organized criminal group that invokes unrealistic claims (disregarding law no. 8/1996 and invoking financial claims) is the named Marcus Schmitt. This individual, a swindler by trade, is the direct beneficiary of the sums claimed as debts. We make these statements fully justified because, although informed about the provisions of the law in Romania, COPYTRACK plagues the ziardecluj.eu portal with “fictitious judgments”. As a general modus operandi, behind that “copyrighted” photo, even though it’s newsworthy, there’s sure to be a lefty photographer out to get rich, but who’ll get a tiny fraction from the claimed claim, the rest of the money goes to the main scammer and another part of the scammers group presents itself as a “consulting team”. We advise you to notify the prosecutors or the Police when these scammers in Germany approach you. Many companies and foundations in Germany take advantage of the permissive federal law on these activities of impersonation and deception, defrauding honest citizens around the world. COPYTRACK is a scam, don’t fall into their trap, they are just private individuals and not a form of authority and their place is in prison, being fully incidental to the provisions of art. 244 of the Romanian Criminal Code.


Marius Leontiuc – senior editor

Împotriva articolelor redacției noastre, persoanele nemulțumite pot formula Contestație în termen de 10 zile de la publicarea articolului, la judecătoria Orășenească nr. 1 München Bayern Deutschland, in conformitate cu Legea federală Germană. Considerăm că nu se pot formula acțiuni la instanțele din România deoarece nici o persoană care activează în trustul nostru nu poate fi extrasă de sub jurisdicția federală germană. Considerăm că redacția noastră nu răspunde în fața autorităților din România ci doar celor federale sau civile germane. deoarece legea română nu are efecte de extraneitate asupra redacției chiar dacă subiectul știrilor face obiectul unor evenimente sau persoane din România și sunt scrise în limba română. Limba română nu este izvor de extraneitate a legii.

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Marius Leontiuc
absolvent WEB DESIGN Academia Britanică de Comunicare Iasi - absolvent COMUNICARE IN AFACERI Academia Britanica de Afaceri si Comunicare -absolvent JURNALISM EDITORIAL - London School University - 2019 inscris la echivalare diploma la Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara - absolvent studii de Drept Universitatea Europeană Drăgan, cursuri in Drept la Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, absolvent studii de proiectare, pastor coordonator in Biserica Protestanta Evanghelica, Android Developer pe Google Play și plugin developer la Oxwall, creator de teme Wordpress și Oxwall, operator Wordpress, Drupal, Oxwall, Osclass, Moodle, tehnologii HTML și PHP

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